Okay. Yeah. (Hey! I picked that up today! As well as art supplies because SOMEONE left me unattended in the art supply section of the University Bookstore, and I thought, hey! I used to be good at this! I could do fan art! In that free time I don't have...)
Ha ha ha ha, 'Suela! That's amusing.
For those who find Sam boyish ... think of the fun you could have corrupting that boy.
Episode 301 is available for free on iTunes right now.
Have DL'd and watched and whee!
And that's all I'm gonna say about that here.
I haz episode!
But I'm going to be strong and wait to watch tomorrow, as it airs live, because I'm weird like that. Then I can rewatch obsessively!
Downloading. Guess I'll show work. Trying to make me miss the season opener. Fuck them. I'll download it off iTunes a day earlier and watch it and then see how Manager-Jason deals with me smiling when he reminds me I have to work until Midnight with a 7:30am turnaround Friday morning.
Whoa. I totally see the swingline stapler guy as the one true hero of Office Space.
::clamps hand over mouth::
Mmmrphmm mphrm, mrmmm mphramm prmmmmhr.
::can't wait to check the board after work::
::clamps hand over mouth::
And we appreciate this.
I shall catch up before the show airs and then there shall be squee and the picking apartage of things, you know, fandom....