Woo hoo - the director's cuts are up on youtube. Whew. I thought I'd have to wait 'til Monday. Both are good. I can't wait 'til Thursday.
Austin - I've heard that the Companion is fun - disappointingly skinny but chockful of fun stuff. What about the list on the back? Good stuff, no?
Small, but condensed. There are a lot of side notes to read and background on the urban legends as well as their thinking during the adaptation. I haven't checked out the list on the back yet sumi. I haven't made it farther than Phantom Traveler. But it is fun.
You all will appreciate the little bit by Amy Acker in Dead in the Water. She is just about as cute as the boys. But not quite.
The bad news: Kripke says we will never get a close look at the journal. The good news: Whoever did the interviews also classified Amy as getting a break from playing villians on Alias and Angel. Fred? Illyria, maybe. A bit. But there were extenuating circumstances.
IOW, the book may not know what it's talking about and SOMEDAY we
may get to see the journal.
That book is on my list, Austin. Rolling the couch cushions for change only works every so often. But eventually, it will be mine.
Rolling the couch cushions for change only works every so often
Yo, youse want I should break their legs for youse?
Yo, youse want I should break their legs for youse?
"Rocko said I am to break your thumbs. It is nothing poissonal, it is strictly business. Have a nice day."
Nah. But thanks for the offer.
Erin, have you seen JP lately? Nothing boyish about him. Also, while you are completely entitled to your enthusiasms and aversions, there are *some* people who are in love with Sam's Nose. Quite loopily so.
He's got a manly body, fo sho (all 12 feet of it) but I still get that boyish vibe. I'm not hatin', I'm just saying that I would do Dean in a skanky bar bathroom. While on fire. And I would just want to talk to Sam. And maybe pat his hand a little, consolingly.
I would do Dean in a skanky bar bathroom. While on fire. And I would just want to talk to Sam. And maybe pat his hand a little, consolingly.
Erin is me.
Except after patting Sam's hand, I'd want to do him in a bed. Since a bar bathroom would probably be too small for him.
Heh. Yes, I think it would be problematic.
"Oh, give it to m-- Fuck! Ouch!"
Except after patting Sam's hand, I'd want to do him in a bed. Since a bar bathroom would probably be too small for him.
1) You've gotta be careful, cause he's got the "Sam" curse.
2) Gotta watch those elbows.
3) Though, one can climb him like a tree...
t /will have to ponder these logistics further...
T-minus 4 days!
I laugh at curses! Um, if it means I can have Sam, that is.
The burning bathroom is nothing in terms of having Dean, either. I'd do him in a monsoon. I'd do him on the moon. I'd do him in a chair. I'd do with a bear (watching). I'd ... well, you get the idea.
T-minus 4 days!
I know! In all seriousness, it is written in big red letters on my calendar.
Like I'd forget.