Except after patting Sam's hand, I'd want to do him in a bed. Since a bar bathroom would probably be too small for him.
1) You've gotta be careful, cause he's got the "Sam" curse.
2) Gotta watch those elbows.
3) Though, one can climb him like a tree...
t /will have to ponder these logistics further...
T-minus 4 days!
I laugh at curses! Um, if it means I can have Sam, that is.
The burning bathroom is nothing in terms of having Dean, either. I'd do him in a monsoon. I'd do him on the moon. I'd do him in a chair. I'd do with a bear (watching). I'd ... well, you get the idea.
T-minus 4 days!
I know! In all seriousness, it is written in big red letters on my calendar.
Like I'd forget.
T-minus 4 days!
Just like Dean, we have a countdown!
But ours is shorter. And has a happier ending.
In other news, does anyone know of any good Twin Peaks/Supernatural crossovers? A conversation w/ a friend of mine (who needs to show up here, dagnabit!) started meandering that way, and now I really want to read some. If it exists.
Boy, there s/b Twin Peaks/Supernatural/Reaper xovers soon, shouldn't there?
I am now imagining the boys walking thru the red room.
Are they talking backwards?
Heh. To really fuck with their minds, John would be speaking backwards while the YED dances.
I read Naomi Novik's new novel, Empire of Ivory this weekend.
There is a point, about 2/3 of the way through the book, when I was most clearly reminded that she's a Supernatural fan.
I laughed a lot.
Can you tell what it was? Because that's amusing.
Two characters are introduced about halfway through. They seem at first to be just incidental, and while they never get a large role, it's clear that they're going to be around for good. What makes it appropriate for this thread is that
they are brothers; the older one is fiercely protective of the younger and something of a scammer, while the younger one is sweet and (it turns out) kind of scholarly in attitude. Their names are Demane and Sipho.