I don't even know the casting spoilers. And am going to try and keep it that way. Though I am guessing they are a doozy from the blackfont around the (thank you!) whitefont.
But at that point in the season arc, she was Sam's avatar, so the lines she was speaking were what we assumed Sam was thinking.
I have the same issue with Sam though. He killed other hunters in BUaBS. He should be more guilty about that - at this point in canon - and not the stressing about what he
do in the future at this point.
He killed other hunters in BUaBS.
He didn't, Meg did. I think he has to have let some of that go, because otherwise he's gotta live with the "I almost beat my own brother to death."
Sam has yet to slide down the rabbit hole of his own accord at this point, like Max or Andy's brother what's-his-name.
Also, let me at this juncture once again tout 'Suela's wonderful Heart coda: Working Theory.
(Aww, my subtle YED reference slid under the radar.)
Man, Simon Says is an episode that gets better every time I watch it. I love any juxtaposition of siblings (brothers especially) against our boys.
Beverly, have you ever considered a career in marketing? ::sends cupcakes::
Ailleann, I am trying to be cautiously optimistic, out of sheer bloodymindedness on my own part. And despite
the evidence in Lum and Sisabet's "Women's Work",
it remains true that we did get
women characters with agency in season 2--Detective Ballard, Ellen, and Jo; as well as Sarah, Cassie, and fabulous Kathleen Hudak in season 1. So, I have issues, but on the front of individual characterization, I think we have a good shot at getting interesting complicated women who aren't just there for eye-candy.
Which is not to say that
they're not gonna be eye-candy, because they absolutely will, it's CW and they have a demographic to appeal to. I'd have given good money for one of them to be something other than white, but please god just make them smart and interesting.
t holds thumbs
Suela, not shockingly, we are as one.
Besides, I continue to hope that
we can have an Aeryn-like kick-ass female. Because that would rule.
I avoid CW's promos for a reason, usually. Take it these were especially bad?
Plei, from your fingers to Kripke's. Didja ever see my throwaway snippet on that issue? I wrote it before there even were any casting spoilers, for Hossgal, IIRC.
Plei, from your fingers to Kripke's. Didja ever see my throwaway snippet on that issue? I wrote it before there even were any casting spoilers, for Hossgal, IIRC.
I don't know if I did! Clicky-link?