My LJ default icon says "More Ellen Please" so y'all know where I stand on that point. Firmly, with foot planted and my serious face. But I have a really good feeling about things for S3. Really. Good.
I'll be watching the first episode with my phone unplugged, a do not disturb order in place, and I haven't done that since Buffy and Angel days. omgsquee, I got a little excited just thinking about it. /silly
October 4 is opening night of the Lightning! Oh ugh! I'm going to end up having to chose between Hockey and SPN!
Unlike y'all, I'm SO happy we have 55 whole days before the premiere. Now if only I can get my ass in the chair and finish the frelling casefile before then...
Remember, all, that spoilers, even in whitefont, aren't allowed. Don't think we've really had any, but some of it's been skirting close to the edge of what's allowed.
This has been your friendly, unspoiled (mostly/kinda/okay, so I know some stuff re: casting, but I don't want to know anything MORE, yes, this is me talking, shush, I think I went to spoiler rehab) Stompy Reminder.
Remember, all, that spoilers, even in whitefont, aren't allowed. Don't think we've really had any, but some of it's been skirting close to the edge of what's allowed.
This has been your friendly, unspoiled (mostly/kinda/okay, so I know some stuff re: casting, but I don't want to know anything MORE, yes, this is me talking, shush, I think I went to spoiler rehab) Stompy Reminder.
Thank you, Stompy. It's good to remember with two months til the show starts again.
Wait, didn't I meet you at spoiler rehab? Your font looks so familiar...
Either we met in Spoiler Rehab, or Bad DA Fic Anonymous.
"Casefile" is a special project to share with us regarding Supernatural?", she asks hopefully.
Austin, the casefile is a piece of fanfiction, an episode-like story I'm working on. Involves Indians and weird deaths and rock climbers and is set in the deserts of Southern California. Oh, and Winchesters.