why does she not jump on this instead
I suspect Madison's "OMG! I killed people, didn't I?" realization had a lot to do with it. And the fact that Sam didn't prove all that effective at keeping her locked up when actively trying.
Also, she changed two nights, took a night off, then changed on the fourth night. Which implies it can happen any night rather than just ones with a full moon.
Austin, a while back you were talking about LJ-- I'm the perkins person that just now friended you.
I am smonsterbite over on lj, if anyone wants to add.
I added you. This has been a good two days. Lots of Supernatural and new LJ friends. Oh and it's Friday, so there is that too!
arliss on LJ, and I just added you.
...I am SO ready for S3. Sigh.
amy37 on LJ, for those who'd like to add me.
Ready for S3 doesn't even begin to describe it.
Well, we could look at it like, only 55 days left. Is that any better?
- guestimate of days from LJ
October 4, October 4, October 4. They were scheduled a week earlier, but CW in its infinite wisdom decided to air a *rerun* of the premiere ep of Reaper, shown earlier that same week in its own timeslot.
Yeah. Way to go. I also hear that S3 was a very very near thing, and that Kripke accepted directives to write in certain changes to make the show conform more closely to the desired CW demographic: younger, dumber, now with added bimbos.