I just don't like looking at long lists of e-mail addresses
My email client doesn't show me a long list of email addresses, so this didn't occur to me. It defaults to a line or so, and you have to click to see the full list.
What part were you talking about with misdirection?
Sending it from one person, but replying to someone else. At the point where I need to cut and paste and replace an email address, and the organiser needs to manually assemble a list, it just seems like a lot of work. But if you're going to have a standing list that means your email will be hit up for every effort without contextually picking and choosing, maybe manual compilation of the email list is best. The way I've seen it work, trimming down the list hasn't been a problem, but they've been pretty much well designed (too small rather than too large) to start off with.
Oh, OK, misdirection has negative connotations to me, and I was pretty sure you didn't think I was being nefarious. Or, magical act practicing ones. That's redirection, to my mind.
My e-mail client probably does the same thing these days. But bcc: on the original e-mail still seems fine to me
I think I see what you're saying. I think the work of manually compiling a list for the organizer is worth it to not have the worry of not hitting everyone who might be interested. Or if people don't object, then the organizer could get the complete list and prune from there. Or we could send it out not using the bcc: Totally up for discussion.
But I do think people need to reply to the organizer and a project-specific list needs to be made to avoid everyone getting every e-mail about everything. And so that people are not replying to the maintainer about the project.
Insert logistical question: So, you can even set up e-mail to respond to a different address? If a specify a "reply to" address in my gmail, is that what would happen? Would it completely skip me and go to Sally? ETA: That's how we count votes here, isn't it? Der.
Also, Sally could just reply to e-mails saying, "See my lj post; send me a friend request if needed," if she had lj and wanted to go that way. No need to compile a list at all, though, of course, maybe someone doesn't have lj. Organizers, organize at your own risk.
I think it's flexible.
It will be work for the organizer, but it always is. It hits all the things that are important to me. Hitting everyone first, giving the organizer control, not involving the maintainer beyond that first e-mail.
ETA: And, of course, no one has to use it. Just there if someone wants it.
Not all clients let you override the reply-to field.
I would think a master list would mainly be good for an initial invitation to join a discussion/mailing list for whatever the project at hand is.
Ha, ha, ha! You distilled it all down to one sentence. I am way too rambly.
Yes, what she said.
And some of us are actively avoiding using Facebook.
BTW, I think most of us have an email address that we can use for such a list if we want to keep the biz one protected. I have a gmail addy for that purpose and I'm happy to share it with buffistas. I'd rather not share it with a former Worldcrossing stalker, but that perhaps is not an issue around here currently.
This is all to say, I am happy to provide an email address and the one I provide can be shared with the people here. I learned it was already exposed during the gawker hack, so I say "fuck it."
I just noticed there were, uh, 24 messages in here. Oops.
I'm all for this, however it works. Trying to find someone on the board to be able to click on his or her profile to find an address can be frustrating.
Oh, yeah, I guess "What's so-and-so's" e-mail could happen, too. I wasn't really thinking of it for that, but if people want that...
Oh, and btw, I am not blaming anyone for not keeping everyone in the loop WRT sending out gift packages, etc. Please do not take my comments in that spirit. I did not mean it accusatory. I really would like to help out and be supportive when/where I can.
Thanks to all of you who have volunteered to collect funds, assemble packages, etc. I think of the actions done has been in our collective name.