Hey, anyone know what was the name given in the credits for
Was that the
cop the Joker taunted and then got taken hostage? Because I think that was Keith Szarabajka (aka Holtz) who according to imdb played Detective Stephens. Otherwise I'm not sure who you're talking about.
ETA there was also an
actor named Philip Bullock who played a Det. Murphy.
Yes, that one guy
in the holding cell with the Joker
was Holtz. Hard to recognize without the beard.
Holy crap. I did not recognize him.
FAQWife and I have just been (re)watching Angel S3 lately, and neither of us recognized him either!
I knew he was going to be in it, but i totally didn't recognize him until he was arguing with Gordon about...something.
I agree with Plei about Dent. First, I just have a problem with Eckhart even coming into the movie -- every time I see an interview with him, he seems exceptionally stupid. I find it hard to believe he makes it out of the house in the morning. So every role is compromised by that. Second, even if he didn't seem too dumb to be Dent, there is something sleazy about AE. I never bought the
white knight angle, just assumed he was somehow compromised.
He looks terrific, though -- that dimple does half the work. I have tried to mentally recast the role. Matt Damon, maybe?
Matt Damon, maybe?
He'd be a better Dent, but not a
very good Two-Face.
Ironically, I think that a younger Jeff Bridges would have been perfect.
I think he'd have made an excellent
Dent and Two-Face, but I'm not sure he's pretty enough for Dent. I am sure, however, that he has the chops to convince me of it. Damon's sold me on some serious crap over the years. I have reluctantly gained an appreciation.
Holtz played Stephens? Man, physically, he was SO my mental Harvey Bullock in this.
Steph, I am glad I was spoiled enough to
not worry that she'd be Renee, because she was So Shifty. And had I been worrying that she was Renee, I'd have been more cranky about the character abuse than the timing.
It was weird that
Ramirez was so shifty in the movie because in Gotham Knight, she was much more Montoya-esque, believing in Batman and all, in contrast to her partner.
I recognized
immeidately, but less for his looks, what with the
no beard and few pounds more
but for his voice. I've listened to audiobooks where he used his natural speaking voice which is VERY different from
I remember an Angel commentary track where they were making fun of him for having a
high pitched, New Yawker