FWIW - I thought "The Colbert Report" for the first couple of eps was BORING. But then I picked it up after a couple of months and I'm fucking sold.
My friend and I went to see a taping of The Colbert Report pretty close to when it started (we got tickets with only a week's notice) and when people get impressed by it, we always explain that it was before it was funny.
The only episode of Law and Order I've ever seen has been a Homicide crossover. Any kind of Law and Order. Ever.
OK, let's just air all our potentially heretical TV proclivities.
HIMYM is utterly conventional. The stuff they do with narrative is nice, but does not in any way overcome how whiny and high-pitched all their actors are; it can't be a good show when people will readily agree that the lead sucks.
(And that's not heresy, that just needs to be said.)
HIMYM is utterly conventional.
I wouldn't dispute that.
but does not in any way overcome how whiny and high-pitched all their actors are
I wouldn't characterize Cobie Smulders like that.
it can't be a good show when people will readily agree that the lead sucks.
I don't agree with that. I think he's fine. But the heavy lifting comedically is done by NPH and Jason Segal. Aly is sort of mis/underused. Or maybe that's as much as she can do in a sitcom. She may actually be a better dramatic actress.
I think AH is overrated as an actress. There. I said it. I feel bad.
I don't think SMG's that great, but I don't feel bad about it. She did Buffy well enough to hook me crazily on the show, if not the character, and that was much of her job.
I think AH is overrated as an actress. There. I said it. I feel bad.
Let's hear it. What are her weaknesses in your estimation?
Yep. I'm one of those. Drew doesn't read or post in this thread, so I'll just out him now and point out that he's one, too.
I, too, love Family Guy. There are two things that make me laugh and laugh and laugh about it: 1) How utterly *wrong* they are and 2) The face Aims makes when she sees how utterly *wrong* they are.
Heretical TV...I agree Millennium was the better show, but feel it lost its way partway through season two. I disliked the first three seasons of Star Trek: DS9 and hated with a fiery passion Star Trek: Voyager after about halfway through season one.
I think we can all agree that Enterprise sucked.
Tried to watch Lost, found it boring as fuck, missed a few eps and realized that I was now completely befuddled *and* bored.
Never got into 24.
Took me the longest time to watch CSI because I always thought that William Petersen had the charisma of moldy bread. Once I started watching, I loved it. And then it bored me. So I guess I'm over it now.
A ful HPHPB trailer is going to run with The Mummy.
(I'm sad: the whole plan to watch TDK on a midnight show on IMAX went kerbluie. I will instead attempt to see it on Friday afternoon at a regular theater.)