OK, let's just air all our potentially heretical TV proclivities.
For instance, Millennium was a better show than the X-Files (at least for the first two seasons, and the third was far less damaging retroactively than the last few seasons of X-Files).
OK, let's just air all our potentially heretical TV proclivities.
I don't think I have any! I have the misfortune of liking just about everything.
I can't think of any shows I love that I'd be afraid to admit in this crowd, but I'm left completely cold by Arrested Development, The Office, 30 Rock, and The Colbert Report. The alleged humor is completely imperceptible to me.
OK, I did watch Charmed pretty regularly, but I knew it was utter crap even as I fast-forwarded from one Julian McMahon shirtless scene to the next.
I watched New Amsterdam and Moonlight. And kind of enjoyed both.
For instance, Millennium was a better show than the X-Files (at least for the first two seasons, and the third was far less damaging retroactively than the last few seasons of X-Files).
Wheeee! I loved Millenium.
Family Guy has made me giggle a few times, but mostly it's watch-from-the-hall for me. I think I've only seen Futurama maybe twice.
I watched My So-Called Life way back in first run, but I don't think I caught the whole run. I did like it very much, though.
Arrested Development, The Office, 30 Rock, and The Colbert Report
Okay, I can see this, even as I do not feel it.
My potentially devastating TV proclivities: um. I love Gossip Girl more than anything, was bored by Slings and Arrows, stopped caring about Pushing Daisies pretty quickly, only made it through the pilot of Drive, and kind of enjoy watching America's Next Top Model and So You Think You Can Dance? I've never watched an entire episode of the X-Files (though someday, I swear, it'll be Netflixed). So... not too bad, in this group.
I'm not a "Freaks and Geeks" fan either. Heresy, I know. I watched 3 episodes and it was like pulling teeth out of my head.
FWIW - I thought "The Colbert Report" for the first couple of eps was BORING. But then I picked it up after a couple of months and I'm fucking sold. The ep with Colbert and Sean Penn is magic.
I'm not lying. It is really funny. I thought Penn lost his sense of humor, but that is not the case.
FWIW, the new
movie is as good as any of the good episodes, plus canonical tentacle porn....