The sleeper in there might be Body Snatcher, which has: (a) a fantastic performance by Karloff; (b) some fascinating grey moral dilemmas; (c) is genuinely scary and creepy in places.
Was that Wise's first movie as director, or was that Curse of the Cat People?
Curse of the Cat People was Wise's first movie as director.
Didn't he co-direct with someone else?
Didn't he co-direct with someone else?
I think he took over the production of Curse of the Cat People from somebody else who wasn't working out.
He had been an editor for a long time. (He worked on Citizen Kane.)
He worked on Citizen Kane.
And more infamously The Magnificent Ambersons - he was in charge of the editing of the film after it was taken away from Welles.
hee! I just saw
Logan's Run
is shipping to my roommate today from Netflix. I wonder if he has
any idea
what sort of movie it's going to turn out to be.
hee! I just saw Logan's Run is shipping to my roommate today from Netflix. I wonder if he has any idea what sort of movie it's going to turn out to be.
Heh. At least Flash Gordon
it was campy.
Well, yeah. It had to build an on-set camp factory, having already used up the world's supply before production wrapped.
Ha - before I clicked, I assumed you were talking about this.