Love the Clooney/Garner comparison! I think it's that they both have super-magnetic-charm power along with an everyman quality. Whereas Grant, while chock full o' charm, was never an everyman.
Every time I see an ad for Cloverfield (which is every ten minutes, and enough already) I think, "So it's the Blair 'Zilla Project?" It looks like it means being stuck watching whiny idiots while the monster is stomping on other people OFFSCREEN. Where's the fun in that?
There wasn't controversy per se, just viral marketing and a whole bunch of "Is it a Cthulhu movie? Is it Godzilla Redux? Is it a Lost tie-in?"
The first teaser trailers were released without a title and limited information was sent to various fan sites in an attempt to create buzz around the picture.
Yeah, okay, that sounds like what I remember.
A bunch of fellow Lovecraft fans and I got all excited over early speculation that it might be Cthulhu.
It looks like it means being stuck watching whiny idiots while the monster is stomping on other people OFFSCREEN. Where's the fun in that?
Since one of the whiny idiots is played by Lizzie Caplan, and another by an extremely pretty guy unfamiliar to me, I'm in.
Abrams has stated that it's not Cthulu, Gojira or anyone else we might be familiar with.
I'm cautiously hopeful. The trailers remind me of the teeny bit of
that I actually liked.
Me too! I'd far rather have that whole leave-it-to-the-imagination thing than the HereIsOurMonster!MarvelAtItsCGI!!! for sheer creepiness.
I don't know who Lizzie Caplan is. I have a feeling this makes me even less hip than usual.
Oh, but if you're into that sort of thing, the new LOEG book has an excellent Lovecraftian Jeeves & Wooster story!
...Aaand I think we've just determined exactly why I'm so unhip. Excellent.
Amen. If horror films started to shift back into suspense mode I would so not miss the current trend of "the most disgusting thing the most twisted designer on our movie could conceive of, let us show you it. Here it is again! DID YOU MISS IT?!!1!?"
the new LOEG book has an excellent Lovecraftian Jeeves & Wooster story!
this? Sounds great! How do I get one?
(I don't know what LOEG is)
Oops, sorry: The latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book. The Jeeves & Wooster bit is just one story (called, "What Ho, Gods of the Abyss"). If you haven't read the other volumes, this one will be pretty incomprehensible, though.
I quite like suspenseful horror movies, too, but I don't think spookiness & chills mesh with giant rampaging monsters. As mentioned, Cloverfield looks like a disaster movie.