I don't know who Lizzie Caplan is. I have a feeling this makes me even less hip than usual.
Oh, but if you're into that sort of thing, the new LOEG book has an excellent Lovecraftian Jeeves & Wooster story!
...Aaand I think we've just determined exactly why I'm so unhip. Excellent.
Amen. If horror films started to shift back into suspense mode I would so not miss the current trend of "the most disgusting thing the most twisted designer on our movie could conceive of, let us show you it. Here it is again! DID YOU MISS IT?!!1!?"
the new LOEG book has an excellent Lovecraftian Jeeves & Wooster story!
this? Sounds great! How do I get one?
(I don't know what LOEG is)
Oops, sorry: The latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book. The Jeeves & Wooster bit is just one story (called, "What Ho, Gods of the Abyss"). If you haven't read the other volumes, this one will be pretty incomprehensible, though.
I quite like suspenseful horror movies, too, but I don't think spookiness & chills mesh with giant rampaging monsters. As mentioned, Cloverfield looks like a disaster movie.
Oh Cool. I knew that LoEG was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but I discarded that idea since I haven't read the new book yet. That's awesome!
Current speculation is that
in addition to the big building-trashing Not!Godzilla there are also parasites/giant lice that drop off it and menace people inside buildings, escaping through the tunnels, etc. That'd make the terror more personal for the main characters and avoid having 80 minutes of large scale devastation CGI
Matt, your speculation could work, considering there's a bit in one of the trailers of one of the girls being dragged off after some medic in a hazmat suit says something about "We've got a bite."
And I have a hard time imagining that the Big City Destroying Monster could bit a human in such a way that the person lives for more than thirty seconds.
I am optimistic about Cloverfield as well. I love a good monster movie and a good hand-cam movie and a good New York movie and a good run-on sentence.