Has anyone seen an Eddie Izzard movie called All the Queen's Men? About guys sneaking into WWII Germany to steal a decoder from an female-run factory?
EI is really obsessed with that Garner and McQueen one, isn't he? Good on him for making one, if he likes them!
(I heart James Garner, too, though. He has the world's best eye-rolly "Oh, brother," face.)
Just a few weeks ago, I saw "Support Your Local Gunfighter" on cable with my dad. It'd been a long time since I last saw it, and I enjoyed watching Garner at his smoothtalkin' best.
The more I think about it, the more I think that George Clooney reminds me most of James Garner in terms of acting style and ease on screen. I used to equate Clooney more with Cary Grant, but Garner is a better fit.
The more I think about it, the more I think that George Clooney reminds me most of James Garner in terms of acting style and ease on screen. I used to equate Clooney more with Cary Grant, but Garner is a better fit.
I like this. It pretty much sums up my feelings about Clooney. Plus they both came out of television.
Although I'd bet dollars to donuts that CG was a role model, acting-wise, for Garner. Probably a touch of Robert Mitchum, too.
And they both have this quality that they're just making these things, and they don't really care if 12 or 12 billion people watch. It might be just an image, but that's what it seems like.
Also, all that TV experience.
(beep) Hey, Jim, I just got done with ten years of therapy...want to know what I *really* think of you?
(I don't know why, but a. I have a favorite Rockford phone message. and b. That's it.)
But you have to know any day with that in it's gonna be a long one, don't you?
Cloverfield, which Abrams is producing
I saw a commercial for Cloverfield, and all I could think was, "Hmm. Unexplained bad shit is happening to a group of people, being caused by a Big Bad we can't see. Already seen it on ABC, thanks."
What was the big controversy about Cloverfield? Someone was asking me over the weekend and I couldn't remember, but I knew I'd seen it discussed here.
What was the big controversy about Cloverfield?
I remember we talked about it as a sign that the moratorium on disaster movies set in NYC is over?
The only thing I can think of that might have been likened to a controversy surrounding Cloverfield was self-created. The first teaser trailers were released without a title and limited information was sent to various fan sites in an attempt to create buzz around the picture.