Also, Washington will be played by Colin Firth, and will have several hundred costume changes, each more gaudy-yet-flattering than the last.
Except, of course, for the final, climactic fist fight with King George, which will feature both men in a knock down, drag out, bare chested, bare knuckle brawl, so they can both show off their bulging muscles.
Have you ever heard the old Stan Freeberg "United States of America, the Early Years"?
I love, love, love Stan Freeberg, and especially this piece...WAMU plays it every year on the Big Broadcast (my favorite radio show) around the 4th. Hysterically Historical.
Except, of course, for the final, climactic fist fight with King George, which will feature both men in a knock down, drag out, bare chested, bare knuckle brawl, so they can both show off their bulging muscles.
And GW will be winning, so King George will fight dirty.
Ooh, who's playing King George?
I try not to pimp DH too much in here, but this conversation is reminding me way too much of his Comebacks review not to link to it.
OMG, Jess.
Too funny.
And he got to talk to McShane.
I think that's worth a pimping pass.
DH and I went out (out!) to see Elzizabeth: The Golden Age last night. It was fun, but not quite as much fun as I was hoping for. From the previews, I was expecting a complete crack-addled costume porntravaganza. And it did get there by the end, but not before waaaaaay too much
Elizabeth throwing hissy fits over not being allowed to have sex with Clive Owen. Which, you know, I get, but it's not what I go to the movies to see.