I loved the first one. Ahistorical and All Wrong, even. It was ... so pretty. And this one looks even prettier. Plus, what Hec said about Clive being roguish.
I just watched the Sweeney Todd trailer. I'm sort of astounded to realize I never saw the musical, even.
Stuff saw this weekend:
Lust, Caution.
- really really good.
Into the Wild
- really really good (but with less sex).
I loved the first one too. There was lots of neat framing.
They're going to drag me into this one, too. Just like the last time. And I'll spend half the movie searching the sticky floor of a darkened theatre for my eyeballs that have rolled out of my head. Bastards.
I should really just re-watch the HBO series with Helen Mirren and Jeremy Irons.
Yeah, Mirren would be hard to top.
I read the EW article. It's interesting as a record of the whole saga, but a single anonymous source reporting a softening of relations is a disappointing bit to hang a whole cover story on.
I think I'm on board with the ridonk and the ahistoricity because of the pomp and pageantry and hairdos and Cate spouting faux Shakespeare and Clive all roguish. And, of course, Elizabeth the First facing down the Balrog Spanish Armada.
This is why I want to see this movie. To watch Cate Blanchett single handedly defeat the Spanish Armada with the AWESOME POWER of her MIND!
Which is what the trailer, at least, seems to suggest happens in the movie.
I think I want to watch Sean's movie. If not, I want to write it, as there's not enough Elizabethan fantasy novels out there.
I would totally set aside a whole shelf for Elizabethan fantasy.