But I may never be able to watch the fever dream again.
I was watching this episode with my brother and his wife and we were shouting things at the TV like "Get her OUT of there!" and "OK, this HAS to be a dream!" and "This had BETTER be a dream!" because we were boggling at what was going on.
OTOH, the moment where Peggy was looking at her purse actually made me far more squirmy and uncomfortable than any of the dream sequences.
It was even more prominent in the previous episode but the whole season has focused again and again on the exchange of money. Roger's quick dip into his pocket to buy respect and quick fixes is the most obvious, but even Lane giving money to his wife, or finding the wallet, or Peggy counting her bills etc.
I'm not sure how they'll develop it, but I expect one of the overarcs for the season will contrast relationships based on exchange versus giving, what you value etc. My daughter, my ducats.
Oh, yeah, that was awful.
Oh, and how much of the fever dream was a fever dream? Did he actually sleep with her and dream the murder? Or dream the whole thing?
The SO was in the room, and looked up quite alarmed at that bit, so then I had to give a bunch of character background.
I think he dreamed the whole thing.
Yeah, I don't think she ever showed up at the apartment, let alone anything else.
Yeah, that was my take on it.
I hope so. It's just that it was two separate events in his perception, so I could totally see if they'd left open space for part of it to have happened.