It was even more prominent in the previous episode but the whole season has focused again and again on the exchange of money. Roger's quick dip into his pocket to buy respect and quick fixes is the most obvious, but even Lane giving money to his wife, or finding the wallet, or Peggy counting her bills etc.
I'm not sure how they'll develop it, but I expect one of the overarcs for the season will contrast relationships based on exchange versus giving, what you value etc. My daughter, my ducats.
Oh, yeah, that was awful.
Oh, and how much of the fever dream was a fever dream? Did he actually sleep with her and dream the murder? Or dream the whole thing?
The SO was in the room, and looked up quite alarmed at that bit, so then I had to give a bunch of character background.
I think he dreamed the whole thing.
Yeah, I don't think she ever showed up at the apartment, let alone anything else.
Yeah, that was my take on it.
I hope so. It's just that it was two separate events in his perception, so I could totally see if they'd left open space for part of it to have happened.
Are we supposed to think that Dawn left Peggy's apt. without even spending the night? It looked like the blankets hadn't been touched, but I suppose she could have re-folded them. And if she didn't stay, where did she go and how did she get there? The whole reason she left with Peggy is that her only other choice was staying at SCDP.
I assumed she left in the morning before Peggy had gotten up.
Justified: so, I'll have to marathon the whole season and create a flow chart or something, but one thought that popped up, from my confusion over why Limehouse would offer Dickie not all of the promised monies,
when it wasn't even Dickie's money,
was that Limehouse was actually protecting Loretta. Otherwise, why wouldn't he have just said "the money has already been possessed by it's rightful heir"? Because he stood to lose 43,000 dollars or something if Dickie had decided to take it and leave quietly. And then it wasn't until . . . what? that he decided to give Loretta up to Dickie (I get why he tipped off Raylan, given the Givens and his threat to hound him). I'm sure that there are a thousand things I missed as I try to unwind the whodidwhatwhy?