I'm gonna have to watch again(such a hardship with the lead so homely and the plots so haphazard) But I thought one of the scenes with Art and Raylan reminded me of:
"Describe one miracle in my lifetime."
"How about I haven't killed you yet."
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I'm really getting worried for Art. Every time he goes out on a job with Raylan I get very, very nervous. Tim isn't writing for Justified, is he? That said, Art and Raylan interacting is comedy gold.
Art + Raylan = 4eva
Two more Justified's this season, right? Things are going to get ugly. Again.
Ugly, dangerous, complicated and surprising, is my guess.
Those people who are planning to go in against Limehouse in his own home are nuts. Limehouse is going to cause some serious ugly shit. I love how he's like the stealth Big Bad of the season.
I think that Limehouse is a fucking badass. I kind of love him. I think that when he figures out that his guy is plotting against him, shit's gonna get REAL ugly.
I think that when he figures out that his guy is plotting against him, shit's gonna get REAL ugly.
Seriously. He's a fucking honey badger. Has that guy not seen what Limehouse does to people?
Shallow Psyche note: Glenne Headley looks better as a blonde or redhead than with dark hair. Is that a wig?
Glenne Headley looks better as a blonde or redhead than with dark hair. Is that a wig?
I haven't seen her on Psyche, but I think naturally she's fair. It's rare for an actress to go darker as they get older - most lighten their hair.