So. Many. Awkward. Moments.
Joan's baby was like Checkov's gun.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
So. Many. Awkward. Moments.
Joan's baby was like Checkov's gun.
Dear Pete: You're an entitled little bitch, but at least your sense of entitlement is based somewhat on your actual accomplishments instead of Roger's sense of entitlement based on his father and WWII.
Yesssss. I think this is why I actually kind of like Pete now. Because at some point during the series, he actually started being right.
I also really dig how he's one of the more progressive people on the show, not in a pretentious Paul Kinsey way, but in a "I'm not quite sure why we're being sexist/racist/whatever-ist about this" way, even if it's frequently because he just wants to include everyone so he can take their money, not because he has any deep-seated personal beliefs.
No mention of the fact that there was no Betty in this episode?
She was in the previews for next week's.
Was she? I wasn't fully paying attention to the previews so I must have missed her. I only saw her husband. I'm not sure the episode lacked anything for her absence, but after it was over I felt it was odd she hadn't been in it.
I've forgotten the first name of Don' current wife.
Seeing Allison Brie in this is so weird after mainlining Community, I must say.
I've forgotten the first name of Don' current wife.
I'm not sure the episode lacked anything for her absence, but after it was over I felt it was odd she hadn't been in it.
She's the Lana of the show.
The original version of Zou Bisou Bishou by Gillian Hills.