Dear Pete: You're an entitled little bitch, but at least your sense of entitlement is based somewhat on your actual accomplishments instead of Roger's sense of entitlement based on his father and WWII.
Yesssss. I think this is why I actually kind of like Pete now. Because at some point during the series, he actually started being right.
I also really dig how he's one of the more progressive people on the show, not in a pretentious Paul Kinsey way, but in a "I'm not quite sure why we're being sexist/racist/whatever-ist about this" way, even if it's frequently because he just wants to include everyone so he can take their money, not because he has any deep-seated personal beliefs.
No mention of the fact that there was no Betty in this episode?
She was in the previews for next week's.
Was she? I wasn't fully paying attention to the previews so I must have missed her. I only saw her husband. I'm not sure the episode lacked anything for her absence, but after it was over I felt it was odd she hadn't been in it.
I've forgotten the first name of Don' current wife.
Seeing Allison Brie in this is so weird after mainlining Community, I must say.
I've forgotten the first name of Don' current wife.
I'm not sure the episode lacked anything for her absence, but after it was over I felt it was odd she hadn't been in it.
She's the Lana of the show.
Megan strikes me as such an anachronistic name for the 60s. Was it popular in Quebec at the time or something?