Does Quarles have the same woman tied up in his bedroom through all these epsisodes? Or is it a different woman each time?
He has a young man tied up in the bedroom.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Does Quarles have the same woman tied up in his bedroom through all these epsisodes? Or is it a different woman each time?
He has a young man tied up in the bedroom.
He has a young man tied up in the bedroom.
OK, that's what I thought too.
Oh, I like Peter's walk on music. It's my Winchester walk on music, so I have good bad assed associations with it.
White Collar is doing a much better job this season of keeping my heartstrings conflicted. I like the temptation for Neal, I like the doubts that Peter is having. It all seems much more sincere and less grabalicious than last time out.
FWIW, he does have a man tied up, I have been assuming it is the same person, but does anyone know how much time has transpired?
FWIW, he does have a man tied up, I have been assuming it is the same person, but does anyone know how much time has transpired?
I'm going to say at least a week? I love that he feels no need to explain it, either, even though he knows Wade has seen the guy.
Wade, of course, should be running as fast as his skinny legs will carry him if he has any sense at all.
Quarles is a deeply scary mofo. I am getting more interested in Limehouse than Quarles, though. I LOVED the scene at Limehouse's with Boyd. And wit Boyd and Raylan. And Raylan punching the pimp guy was a thing of beauty. Basically, there was a lot to love in this episode.
Oh, I can't wait to see how these conflicting loyalties play out.
wouldn't your first or second thought after seeing that be: might I end up chained and beaten at some point in the near future?
That's clearly not consensual.
Quick exit stage left for me.
Limehouse is definitely more interesting to me than Quarles. He's much more charismatic.
Boyd and Raylan's argument was a thing of beauty, too.
I wonder if Limehouse would have had a different reaction to Raylan if, when he mentioned that the name Givens was familiar, Raylan had referenced his mother rather than his father.
I don't think a lot of time has passed. The last couple episodes have been one day each, right?
Yeah, they've been quick -- when Winona said how long she had been pregnant, I was surprised at how few weeks it was. Of course, now I can't remember the actual number?