I think that's what we're supposed to think, Dana, but I doubt it. I could have sworn I saw her briefly in the clip for next week, but even if not, she seemed pretty sincere to me about how she felt about him. So my bet is on a misdirect or her being in danger again.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
She could have left him, but she still works at the courthouse, so she could still be around.
I guess after the "I'm totally happy with you and never want you to change!" speech, I'm suspicious and nervous.
I thought Raylan was walking in and going to find her body, so anything less than that was a sigh of relief.
Like Jenny Calendar.
I really liked this White Collar. Mostly because Peter enjoying baseball is just a joy to watch, but also because I like this temptation for Neal.
And then Justified has no joy at all. Well, Charlie, but I couldn't switch gears from the grim for him.
Anyway, Charlie may well end up with a grim fate. Driving alone with a car full of cash... Plus there is extradition between the U.S. and Mexico, and the Mexican police can watch for stolen bills. Plus corruption is not exactly unknown among Mexican law enforcement and military. So Charlie is in danger on several fronts.
Does Quarles have the same woman tied up in his bedroom through all these epsisodes? Or is it a different woman each time?
I haven't finished watching this week's yet, but I have a few thoughts on Justified.
-Art's "Well, shit," about Winona should win some sort of prize for Best. Line.Reading. Ever. But he would always win that award so I don't expect it to be an actual prize.
Art rules.
-Somewhat more shallowly, I think I'm in the tank for Olyphant. Because, frankly, he could be cute professionally and just rankle Renee or Reese twice a year in some movie(Southern charm optional) but he's actually good. Funny, too, of course...which you almost don't need to be when you look like him.Because the ex-wife thing is a trope in these kinds of stories, but he kind of made me feel it again.