Oh wow, Boyd is awesome! He's so strangely twisted, and with such a weird ethical core to his criminality, and a serious sense of loyalty.
Boyd/Raylan have their own Epic Love Story of... going on, for real.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Oh wow, Boyd is awesome! He's so strangely twisted, and with such a weird ethical core to his criminality, and a serious sense of loyalty.
Boyd/Raylan have their own Epic Love Story of... going on, for real.
Oh wow, Boyd is awesome! He's so strangely twisted, and with such a weird ethical core to his criminality, and a serious sense of loyalty.
Lemme introduce you to my cousin who got away with a triple murder. Oh, wait, I can't, he's dead; he got shot seven times for horse stealing and thrown in the river.
Sorry, didn't mean to get real!
Hey, it's your cousin. Since I didn't know him, though, Boyd still works pretty well for me!
dang girl. Boyd has grown on me. I don't really *like* him, but the chemistry he has with just about all of the rest of the cast is really amazing.
Yeah, if you can't deal with Boyd, the show is Not For You.
MI-5 volume 10 is coming out in dvd/bluray on March 6th according to TV Shows on dvd.
I rewatched Justified's finale for season 2, and the difference in Raylan's stance regarding Dickie and Boyd from when Boyd saves his hide then, and their meeting in the beginning of season 3's opening has me wondering. Did the writer's forget that Raylan was quite happy with leaving Dickie to be killed by Boyd last season? Did Raylan change his mind about letting a man get murdered, with some distance and perspective that he didn't have when he had just been strung up and beaten with a bat, and maybe in the harsh light of having that conversation again inside the Marshal's headquarters remind him that he was supposed to be upholding the law. Or, and this was my first thought, the writer's never forgot, Raylan didn't change his mind, and he deliberately baited Boyd in order to give him what Boyd wanted: a shot at Dickie?
I'm still in lust with his tablecloth twitch.
Yeah, Raylan was happy to leave him to be killed, and if circumstances had permitted, he might have actually gone through with bringing him back to Boyd, but I can't really see Raylan actually apologizing to Boyd even if he's actually sorry.
Of course, I'm pretty sure that Boyd can't see that either, which is why he was there. Easiest way to get to Dickie. Thing I'm having trouble seeing is Boyd not knowing that the weed would be crap. Did he wreck it on purpose? He didn't seem that surprised.
Of course, he never really does.
The Bennetts had the weed business all sewn up, Boyd wouldn't've had much experience with unprocessed plants. I believe what drug trade he dabbled in would have been more pill oriented. It's really only explosives and money he's actually been interested in.