Yeah, Raylan was happy to leave him to be killed, and if circumstances had permitted, he might have actually gone through with bringing him back to Boyd, but I can't really see Raylan actually apologizing to Boyd even if he's actually sorry.
Of course, I'm pretty sure that Boyd can't see that either, which is why he was there. Easiest way to get to Dickie. Thing I'm having trouble seeing is Boyd not knowing that the weed would be crap. Did he wreck it on purpose? He didn't seem that surprised.
Of course, he never really does.
The Bennetts had the weed business all sewn up, Boyd wouldn't've had much experience with unprocessed plants. I believe what drug trade he dabbled in would have been more pill oriented. It's really only explosives and money he's actually been interested in.
I was listening to the interview in Fresh Air the other day, and I remembered how Boyd was originally incredibly racist. I suppose that when the show realized how much chemistry he and Raylan had, they backed off of it.
He'd not do well in Mexico. Cause the Mexicans.
Even if Boyd's professional life was pills or explosive, I think he should have know that a plant will rot in plastic. I handwaved it, but it felt off. Then he did casually decide to burn the lot, so maybe he knew the rot was going on and it was someone else being less than reality-based.
Even if Boyd's professional life was pills or explosive, I think he should have know that a plant will rot in plastic. I handwaved it, but it felt off. Then he did casually decide to burn the lot, so maybe he knew the rot was going on and it was someone else being less than reality-based
Yeah, I think that he didn't care about the plants, he just didn't want anyone else to use them to get a foothold in Harlan.
Justified: Todd Stashwick
Wow, there is a lot of eye fucking in this week's White collar.
Words cannot express how much I loved the little talk that Raylan and Boyd had about their love lives.
Oh, my, such a lot in that Justified. So much. I'm not sure how I feel about Art going by the "old book".