I'm watching the Southland season premiere (seriously Tuesday at 10, why???) and I'm so totally jazzed by it. It hits a few of my buttons --badass, grim'n'gritty, diversity mafia, chicks who kick ass, gun kink...
It's very rarely funny, so I never watch more than one episode at a time, but it's the little cop show that could. No Wire, no Shield, not even top rung Homicide, but I like it.
I *love* the additions to the cast this season. Lucy Liu and Lou Diamond Phillips. I am loving it. And Cudlitz, King, and even McKenzie are always a good time.
Please don't get cancelled.
I stopped watching Justified sometime during the 2nd season. In retrospect, it was Boyd's fault. I just could not stand him. I wanted to strangle him to death slowly every time he spoke. He reminds me of one of my cousins.
Can someone tell me he's going to get dead, or go to prison permanently, or somehow get the hell gone? Then maybe I could watch the show again.
Sorry, Zenkitty - but I seriously doubt that is going to happen (even though he is back in prison right now.)
Oh wow, Boyd is awesome! He's so strangely twisted, and with such a weird ethical core to his criminality, and a serious sense of loyalty.
Boyd/Raylan have their own Epic Love Story of... going on, for real.
Oh wow, Boyd is awesome! He's so strangely twisted, and with such a weird ethical core to his criminality, and a serious sense of loyalty.
Lemme introduce you to my cousin who got away with a triple murder. Oh, wait, I can't, he's dead; he got shot seven times for horse stealing and thrown in the river.
Sorry, didn't mean to get real!
Hey, it's your cousin. Since I didn't know him, though, Boyd still works pretty well for me!
dang girl. Boyd has grown on me. I don't really *like* him, but the chemistry he has with just about all of the rest of the cast is really amazing.
Yeah, if you can't deal with Boyd, the show is Not For You.
MI-5 volume 10 is coming out in dvd/bluray on March 6th according to TV Shows on dvd.