Parker's realization about her relationship with Hardison was so darn sweet. In a Parker way, not a treacle-y way.
Can't wait to see the Boys' side of things next week!
Good to see Tara again. I like that she's still *around*, you know? It's good to see that these people have lives outside the team and the jobs.
Hey, Tim wrote this week's American Horror Story! And, jesus, it's a trip.
Oh, I forgot to watch! I'll have to rectify that shortly.
Holy shitballs, people! I just watched the last two AHSes in a row.
Holy... wow. That is just a house full of crazy, that is.
I want to know who that scary man with the teeth was.
I also want to forget that they had Ben handwave Violet disappearing from the car, since jumping out at an intersection means the door's left open or banged shut. I know Ben is willfully oblivious but that seemed like a stretch.
Although he hasn't really noticed his daughter hasn't actually left the house in weeks, so ...
Connie Britton played that death scene so well. And Tim wrote Zachary Quinto some epically bitchy dialogue.