I want to know who that scary man with the teeth was.
I also want to forget that they had Ben handwave Violet disappearing from the car, since jumping out at an intersection means the door's left open or banged shut. I know Ben is willfully oblivious but that seemed like a stretch.
Although he hasn't really noticed his daughter hasn't actually left the house in weeks, so ...
Connie Britton played that death scene so well. And Tim wrote Zachary Quinto some epically bitchy dialogue.
Oh damn. Don't make me start watching another show.
Oh, did they kill Connie Britton? Huh.
Well, it's not like she has to leave the show. . .
It's so funny, but that was my first reaction: Nooo! And then I realized, wait, she's not going anywhere.
It's actually better (for us) -- I kept hoping she would actually move the fuck out, but then she wouldn't be on the show anymore.....
Ugh, I felt so bad for the little Farmiga when she couldn't get out of the house. People not knowing they are dead makes me sad.
I love that on this show a character death (in and or near the house, natch) means a better chance of permanence than a character life. I suppose it doesn't guarantee any particular amount of screen time, but...
So, every ghost we've seen was killed as a human, right? Has anyone died a natural death there that we've seen? I'm going to say that CB's death was not natural, because what with the demon (ghost, whatever) spawn popping out after six months and damaging her so badly that she bled to death... not so much with the natural. I guess maybe people don't hang around without getting murderized long enough to test the "what happens with a natural death" theory.
Where is this show in terms of hiatus, number of eps per season, etc? That show kind of felt like it could be a mid-or regular season ender, though I hope not.
Violet made me sad, too. I wonder what happened to Tate at the end there? Did she banish him or something? Also, I sort of look forward to the bug guy's reappearance at some point. Man, did he ever get hosed.
Next week is the season finale, I think.
Next week is the season ender, but they've already been renewed for S2. No idea when that will air, though.
It seems to be the norm now that cable shows are 12 or 13 episodes, instead of 22.
Violet banishing Tate was sad! But I wonder how she knew to do it, since we saw the 1920s Mrs. Crazy Doctor telling Tate to say the same to the scary old man (Thaddeus, I think?).
I'm unclear about Billie Dean, too. She's clearly psychic, but she also seems like a standard fake medium, with the Very Dramatically Told stories and explanations of the other side.