Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Oh, I see. He wasn't a transvestite in the show, sorry, got confused for a sec.
I liked a lot of the K-ville concept and the actors, but the writing was really wooden, plus I got a little dizzy from all the anvils hitting my head. As you say, though, it is the pilot. The one thing that distracted me was the accents, or the lack thereof. I suppose I'd rather have no accents than gratingly bad Southern accents. I have trouble with The Closer because her accent is so wrong. Still, the accent of people raised in southern Louisiana is quite distinctive. It's really hard to believe that whats-his-face the ex-con could lose his in two years.
Hee. I could tell you thought there was something must more interesting going on than was the actual case.
Isn't it a little hard to believe that he'd escaped from jail, been in the army and left to become a copy in that same timeframe?
MI-5 season 5 region 1 dvds coming out January 8th. . . and it's spendy as hell.
MI-5 is a great example of a show that's priced its dvds so high that I eventually stopped wanting them, and the show itself pretty much dropped off my radar as well.
Lack of accents didn't bother me. I've heard as thick as my grandaddy's to as generic southern as me and K. There're only a few words that will trip me up, most famously amongst my friends "quarter" and "yesterday"
If you have a region free DVD player, it's actually cheaper to order them from the UK. Even with the dollar being 2:1 to the pound.
Well, I shall netflix them since who knows when BBCA will get up to season 5.
Lack of accents didn't bother me.
You're certainly a better judge than I am about New Orleans, so I'll try to let that prejudice go. I don't know why I'd focus on the accent with ex-con guy, when so many other things about his story made no sense unless this show is set a couple of years in the future.