Criminal Minds substituted Santa Monica quite heinously for Atlantic City last night, and I don't even know Atlantic City. It's a thing.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I recognized the carousel from Angel.
I liked how there was surprise expressed by Sophie/Jeri at Parker showing a feeling, and yet Parker is the one on the phone calls who always tells Sophie she misses her.
Maybe she was surprised that Parker showed a feeling to Tara.
What i was trying to type was I thought Parker saying "I miss you" was a nicely done moment, b/c of with the more anvil-like reminder that Parker doesn't show emotions.
I liked how there was surprise expressed by Sophie/Jeri at Parker showing a feeling, and yet Parker is the one on the phone calls who always tells Sophie she misses her.
I think that her surprise was that Parker was showing feelings to other people.
Yeah, I think Sophie might, rightfully, feel that she's earned that from Parker. Tara, not so much.
Criminal Minds substituted Santa Monica quite heinously for Atlantic City last night, and I don't even know Atlantic City. It's a thing.
Interesting. I didn't notice, but when they did a Milwaukee based ep, I was pretty impressed at how accurate they were on the neighborhoods they were claiming to be in. Even to the point of the distance and the routes between them. (Why someone would kill people in Waukesha and dump the bodies in the Third Ward is another story. There's really not a lot of reason I can think of for anyone to be habitually in both of those places. So it was an odd choice, but at least once they made it they researched it. t looks askance at Supernatural)
Well, I'd say "Boston" given how accurate the show is.
I think "Boston" is pretty.
I do laugh when the location is supposed to be gritty and it's in the Pearl but that's just context.
And I swear that the bearded guy next to Parker was the Neutraface guy.
Vortex, I just watched it, and I am pretty sure it really IS the neutraface guy.
Hmmm. I recently mainlined (most of) seven seasons of Voyager and thought Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine was one of the most interesting characters on the show. They overused her character, but the woman could act, despite her centerfold trappings.
On the other hand, I'm not really feeling Tara on Leverage. As many shows do with newcomers, they're trying too hard to make her look awesome and... kinda shooting themselves on the foot. Actually, I was rather meh on the entire episode. Nate, Tara and Mrs. Ping scenes at fashion weeks hit my embarrassment squick HARD, and you're talking to someone who watched years of The Office with equanimity. I did love every single scene with Parker (Parker and Elliot, Parker and Hardison, Parker and Tara even) but then, she's my favourite.