Hmmm. I recently mainlined (most of) seven seasons of Voyager and thought Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine was one of the most interesting characters on the show. They overused her character, but the woman could act, despite her centerfold trappings.
On the other hand, I'm not really feeling Tara on Leverage. As many shows do with newcomers, they're trying too hard to make her look awesome and... kinda shooting themselves on the foot. Actually, I was rather meh on the entire episode. Nate, Tara and Mrs. Ping scenes at fashion weeks hit my embarrassment squick HARD, and you're talking to someone who watched years of The Office with equanimity. I did love every single scene with Parker (Parker and Elliot, Parker and Hardison, Parker and Tara even) but then, she's my favourite.
I need to rewatch, because I have these memories of Elliot making odd funny faces and hand gestures the entire while.
Yah, there were a lot of little Elliot moments that I enjoyed quite a bit.
What I couldn't figure, was that him being uncomfortable, or was that him acting like he thought a guy in fashion would? Was that his bold choice for his character? I wanted to enjoy him being silly, but instead I was weirded out and confused. Possibly the mascara threw me way way off and I never recovered.
No, I know. It just amuses me how NOT BOSTON the show seems most of the time
Where is Hardison supposed to be from? Because he pulled what I like to call an Emily Gilmore. He said something about the car traveling on "the 95."
(note to Californians: NO ONE in the northeast uses the definite article with route numbers).
(note to Californians: NO ONE in the northeast uses the definite article with route numbers).
It's actually only Southern California that does that.
I get made fun of a lot.
It's actually only Southern California that does that.
Oh yeah, I've had this conversation with people before.
My newish-to-Boston friend kept talking to me yesterday about 90, apparently some highway we were going to take. When we got on it, I was all, "This isn't 90! It's the Mass Pike! Don't call it that!!" I had no idea.
Also, I-95 around Boston is more precisely referred to as 128, which is the beltway. If they're living in Boston, they know that.
Also, I-95 around Boston is more precisely referred to as 128, which is the beltway. If they're living in Boston, they know that.
This is exactly what I thought of when I read Jesse's post.