Duck is at Grey -- don't know how that relates to McCann.
Pete mentioned he'd just had an interview at Ogilvy that day -- they were a young and coming up firm at the time who did a lot of game-changing.
Trudy continues to impress me. I would love to see her end up working support at the new firm, because she has the right instincts to be a proto-Joan.
Duck is at Grey -- don't know how that relates to McCann.
My main thought was that with Duck *and* Sterling-Cooper-Draper-Price both unofficially working out of the Pierre, Peggy's affair isn't going to stay secret for very long.
I like Kinsey, but it may be that I'm predisposed towards fat, bearded, pot-smoking blowhards.
And I agree that Betty's a terrible mother and generally a terrible human being. Maybe I've been overly critical of her, but man, she hits some buttons with me: narcissistic, devoid of empathy for her own flesh-and-blood, childish, overprivileged, snobby in that small-minded upper-middle-class way. I mean, I'd like to think that her remarriage would lead to happiness, but I don't think she's capable of happiness. She's not unaware of the proto-feminist issues swirling around her (per her reading of Mary McCarthy a few weeks back), but she's incapable of imagining herself as anything more than an object of desire. She's tragic, definitely, but still my least-favorite character on the show.
Which isn't to say that I think January Jones is anything less than amazing while playing her, nor that I hate any of the time we spend with her. I mean, all of the characters are a little hateful, but she and Pete are the ones I hate. And even Pete's grown on me a little.
I want Betty to find happiness, but I have a visceral, negative reaction to her character based on how she treats her children. I don't think my negative feelings will go away anytime soon.
Me too. Everytime I want to feel bad for her the fact that she is such an awful mother gets in the way. Although, I suppose in a different world she would have had the option not to get married and have children.
devoid of empathy for her own flesh-and-blood
This is the big thing I can’t forgive in Betty, and as bad as Don is, his own childhood allows him to at least feel moments of empathy for his children when they are upset and in pain.
Yeah, you guys are all me w/r/t Don v. Betty. Don's boorish behavior not exusable, and Betty's utter disdain for anyone not herself is deplorable.
At the same time I can see why Old Gene, her father, could look at Betty and tell her that she could have been so much better. For goodness sakes, she could go to Italy after however many years and speak fluent Italian.
Although, I suppose in a different world she would have had the option not to get married and have children.
Yup. Growing up in the time and place she did, "wife & mother" was pretty much the only door open to her. And she's just not any good at either role.
Definitely. They can't have spent more than a week together at most.
While I agree that it's not a smart move on Betty's part, they did set up a correspondence in the summer and the last few episodes have taken place over many months.
Interesting that Don chose Pete over Ken, since they both had similar billings. Ken was better at servicing the clients, but Don wanted Pete's vision.
Don had to go back and tell Roger, Peggy and Pete exactly why he valued them. As noted, each was a pitch, but Don knows the best pitches have truth in them.
Joan gets a fantastic entrance. Several times this year they've written little valentine scenes to Joan (the accordion, the lawnmower triage, and Joanie On the Spot office coordinator) - but they all pay off so huge.
I hope her husband gets fragged in Nam.
God, I was hating Betty when she was sitting there with Henry meeting with the divorce lawyer. She's making a huge fucking mistake. Not necessarily in leaving Don, but in going to Henry. Who won't cheat and will love her, but will in many ways be so much more constraining and limiting to her life.
Sally's going to hate Betty a lot. And cause a lot of friction in that marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if Don got custody of Sally by S5.
They barely jumped forward in time between S2 and S3, but I think they will have to between S3 and S4. They want to land in the mid-sixties. Whole new set! Whole new wardrobes! Well, actually the men will look pretty similar.
I was just watching a bit from
How To Succeed In Business
(young, gap-toothed, goofy Robert Morse!) the other day and the late sixties business look was still pretty close to the early sixties. Hair is less slicked down, and the sideburns are just starting to make themselves known.
They'll have to do an episode in Swinging London. Pryce's wife will probably divorce him to get out of NYC.
I hope we get to see Kinsey, Cosgrove and Sal popping up at other agencies. Maybe Sal can establish himself as a director and they can hire him free lance.
Ugh - hard watching Don's father kicked in hist face by the horse. My Dad's grandmother was kicked in the head by a mule and spent the rest of her life in an asylum.
Don's confrontation with Betty about Henry was ugly but it could've been worse. Having had that kind of conversation there's more than a little murder in your heart at that instant. Not so much the infidelity, but the betrayal of the other parent planning to take the kids away to be raised by somebody else. So, not to justify Don's physical bullying but it was a true, ragged, raw scene.
Also, Don doesn't forget and he will get his revenge against Henry at some point. Not a punch in the face, but he'll sabotage Henry's career in such a way that he'll still have money but will have to leave the public arena.