The blogger at the Chicago Tribune pointed out something that could come into play in a major way -- Betty has something quite actionable on Don (the assumed identity, not just a name change) that would swing any divorce over to her side in a flash, now. Way bigger than being able to prove infidelity or else risk losing the children.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
She'd prepared herself for a long fight, but the minute he dropped that cigarette I think she realized she'd already taken him out with the first punch. And after that, it wasn't fun for her any more.
Yes, you could see her loving having the upper hand, but as soon as she offered him a drink, it was over.
Betty has something quite actionable on Don (the assumed identity, not just a name change) that would swing any divorce over to her side in a flash, now.
not if Don gets rid of the evidence. All she has is an allegation, and nothing to back it up. Frankly, even with the evidence, it's flimsy if he doesn't admit it.
There's Anna Draper, whose name & address she has, and the divorce/deed records would be on file elsewhere. Plus, I do think the Army might get highly interested in the case as I'm willing to bet there's no statute of limitations on desertion.
This being fiction, it would be a snap for a fictional private eye to bust the identity case wide open... and in the real world I'm not sure it would be that much more work.
There's Anna Draper, whose name & address she has, and the divorce/deed records would be on file elsewhere. Plus, I do think the Army might get highly interested in the case as I'm willing to bet there's no statute of limitations on desertion.
right, there's no problem proving that Don Draper had been divorced before, but that's not going to be a big deal for a divorce case. She would have to prove that he's Dick Whitman, and the only person who could testify to that is Anna Draper, and she wouldn't do it. What would the Army say if she came to them and said "my husband used to be Dick Whitman, but there was a mixup in the hospital and how he's Don Draper. Oh, and by the way we're getting a divorce and I need someone to come testify" Unfortunately, those pictures are the only evidence that Dick is Don, and even then, a name written on the back of a picture isn't dispositive. It might raise some questions, but doesn't raise to a legal standard.
Almost forgot to mention - I'm so glad Joan is still a part of this show.
This comment from THC's blog:
As a psychotherpist myself, I loved the coaching she gave him for his psychiatry interview. She, of course, was right on, but he has no potential, no insight, no self-awareness other than fear and loathing cloaked in a sense of entitlement.
Makes me think Joan would make an excellent psychiatrist if given the opportunity. Lord knows she'd be a better doctor than her useless husband.
He really is quite useless, isn't he? I was pumping my fist in the air when she nailed him.
I sensed a bit of foreshadowing with the whole, "Vietnam - if that's still going on."
Yeah, I've been Googling Vietnam troop deployments to see how long we've got before he gets shipped out. I think 1965 would be the earliest reasonable date. I really don't want their marriage to last all the way to 1969.
Jessica and I are the same Googlers.
I really don't want their marriage to last all the way to 1969.
I'd laugh my ass off if he died in some random boot camp incident.
Also, did anyone else get the feeling that when Roger was talking about "The One", that Joan was his "The One" and that Jane is a substitute?