May I just say...of course the Brits are selling Sterling-Cooper. Because it wouldn't be this season if the show did not exactly replicate my life in every single aspect, now would it???
My skin was crawling during that phone call. Good lord, show, would it be too much to ask for just a little bit of escapism?
I love how they waited until we'd pretty much gotten over feeling like Don's identity was a threat to him, for Betty to find it. The moment of crisis had passed in the office, but where it does matter, at home, it was still in full force. I mean, it's Betty's name.
Yes, and who knows what she actually thinks is the real story based on the documents in that box. I doubt she'd be able to piece together the real events.
Oh, and I predict that Grey will buy Sterling Cooper and they'll all wind up working for Duck again.
As long as it's after he hires Joan.... I finally caught up on the last five episodes, and am still worried about Joan and Sal both.
Yes, and who knows what she actually thinks is the real story based on the documents in that box. I doubt she'd be able to piece together the real events.
She probably thinks that the just hasn't told her that he was divorced.
And I think that we'll get Joan next week!
There was Joan (and her husband) in the previews, so we'll get updated on that, I'm sure.
She probably thinks that the just hasn't told her that he was divorced.
And that he bought his ex-wife a house. And that he has a drawer full of cash. None of those pictures looked like a recognizable younger Don, but it's evidence of life she knows nothing about. Is Betty the kind of person to make up a story that explains all that? I suspect she is, so much remains unsaid in all her relationships. But what that stoy would be, I don't know.
But, yeah, "you never told me you were married before" is big enough.
I was trying to picture how Betty would react if Don just told her the whole truth and I have no idea.
BTW, I don't think that is exactly bolt money. It's emergency money, for the kind of emergencies that he can't tell Betty about (like his brother back in the first season) but it's purpose to is to keep him in his fake life, up to a point, at least. He does have more of an option to disappear than most of the guys on his street, but I think he would hate to leave his kids. Sure, he isn't with them all that much, but when we do see him with them he's much warmer and more loving than Betty seems to be.
I thought that the picture of Don (Dick) with the car looked like him enough.
To be him, or a brother, anyway. But if there are no "Dons" anywhere in those pictures, it's very suggestive.
You think? It just looked tiny and fuzzy to me. She didn't seem to stop and look at any of the pictures closely, is what I'm mainly going by, seemed like more of a "pictures of people I don't know" reaction than "Oh, look, my husband but someone else's name written on the back".
I'm interested to see what she does next. That she waited up for him with the box impressed me a little.