My sister-in-law actually bought one, it's in the living room right now! It's been there for about 2 years.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I mean, she was definitely asserting herself, asserting her own will on her house. But she was doing it for governor guy for sure.
That was some hairdo that Betty got in Rome!
I know!
I loved seeing Don and Betty in Rome. It's like you could see that at one time they really enjoyed each other and maybe it's still possible. I wonder if Betty's involvement in the Junior League is a stepping stone to something.
Meanwhile, Joan's hair looked. . . odd.
Meanwhile, Pete is one fucked-up human being. This is not news, I suppose, but it's clear that he could actually have been a nice guy with some therapy.
Betty sure slammed the door shut when they got home. Icy, icy, icy.
Oh, and I loved the flirting in the piazza between the two of them.
Oh, and I loved the flirting in the piazza between the two of them.
That scene was spectacular, right down to the cranky spurned Italians at the next table over.
All it was missing was Spike and Dru on a Vespa in the background saying "Ciao."
Also, holy crap Pete - every time I think you can't possibly be any more pathetic, you set the bar a little lower.
Kudos to my woobie VK for playing such a dickish role with so little self-consciousness. Many actors wouldn't be able to go there without trying to make Pete somehow charming to the audience. (Taking his shirt off without unbuttoning it like that! What a tool!)
That scene in the piazza was amazing. Pure magic-y goodness. And it cracked me up that called Don old and ugly. Ha!!
And lordy how I want Betty's dress.
Ta-Nehisi Coates has a really meaty discussion of last night's ep going on in his blog.