We also didn't get any followup with Peggy and her fun!Roomie. Hopefully next week!
Noo!! Too painful.
Twilight sleep, I expect, was basically roofie-drugging the woman so she didn't remember it later.
I think I had twilight sleep when I had my eyelid operated on and, like Betty, I could hear the doctor and nurses perfectly well and I remember everything. I guess it could affect people different ways though. (Unless it wasn't twilight sleep. That I don't remember for sure!)
I'm pretty sure they called it twilight sleep when they gave me nitrous for my wisdom teeth removal. I was goofy for a minute and then don't remember anything.
I'm pretty sure they called it twilight sleep when they gave me nitrous for my wisdom teeth removal.
That's what I had for my wisdom teeth do but I did remember everything! I didn't care about any of it happening though and time was very compressed.
My colleague says that he was also given twilight drugs when he had his cornea operated upon, but he remembers everything.
So, I dont watch Mad Men but I did take the Bradley training course last summer. We watched two twilight sleep birth videos and they were very upsetting. Even in the one where the woman was more alert, they wouldn't let her touch the baby because she wasn't sterile.
That's such a creepy phrasing, "twilight sleep" anyway.
I don't think they gave that phrasing for my wisdom teeth, although I was definitely awake and aware for all of it. The best bit was that I was reading "War & Peace" at the time, which the surgeon (my friend's dad) remarked on. To this day there are some bits in that book that I remember that aren't, in point of fact, in there.
It just seems like such an awful way to go about it all.
So, I've been watching
Burn Notice
from the beginning, after catching most of S3 on TV. (btw, I mentioned Fiona's accent upthread and in the 2nd episode they had a comment about her staying in Miami with a "new life and a new accent"). Anyway, I don't find the main actor (is it Jeffrey Donovan?) all that attractive, except that when he's just standing around and staring, all spy like, I can't look away. Anyway, I guess I'm just amused that I keep coming back for more.
I keep coming back for Sam. It disturbs Lewis monumentally-- He's like, "Sam? Sam? You've got the hots for Bruce Campbell? That's eccentric, even for you."
ETA: because I was posting in a hurry.