<predictable>I am fine with Eliot hair.</predictable>
I think this year's characterizations lack the subtlety of last season. And have they totally dropped Hardison/Parker? There's more of the rest of the OT3 than that at the moment.
I dunno. I agree the feel is a little off, although I love some of the individual moments, certainly.
I think it's my competence kink. I'm missing the swagger. Which is probably why I'm still loving Hardison. He's still in his element, even though Nate is perhaps feeling out the new real him, minus the alcohol.
And have they totally dropped Hardison/Parker?
I don't know. All I can see is Hardison/Eliot. I mean, the scene with them under the desk was slashtastic.
I think what's off or missing to me is the element of shit-eating-grin FUN. If the characters being too awesome and omniscient means that the Clooney-Pitt Ocean's Eleven vibe comes back, then I'm all for it.
I'm stoned. "shit eating grin" has suddenly lost any slang meaning and just sounds nasty and why is it an expression?
Julie's on to something I think. Hardison and Eliot's blase arrogance grated on me in the beginning of this ep. They were almost bored with what they were doing.
Side effect of barbituates: random moments of clarity.
Hardison and Eliot's blase arrogance grated on me in the beginning of this ep. They were almost bored with what they were doing.
I didn't get that impression. Eliot sure enjoyed flirting with the receptionist. I think they were both confident that it was an easy job and proud of themselves for running it without Nate.
"Shit eating grin" is the short form of "he had a grin like a fox eating shit out of a wire brush."
That doesn't make it much clearer to me.