I am a caper/heist slut myself, but grew out of love with Hustle because I thought they were getting too tangled up trying to justify their "not stealing" mandate and just failing. S1 was good, though.
Leverage doesn't seem as similar to me as to many people. Makes me think of Mission Impossible, but with profit.
Does that make Tom Cruise the Underwear Gnome?
I am missing a pop culture reference.
ita, this will explain: [link]
I was playing on the source Frank linked, Cruise's stature, and his archetypeal image from Risky Business.
Oh, right. M:I movies. I always forget they exist.
I knew ita was talking old school MI, as they were far more about the "con" than the movies.
I try to forget the first one especially, because Jim Phelps wouldn't DO THAT, GODAMMIT!!!!
I try to forget the first one especially, because Jim Phelps wouldn't DO THAT, GODAMMIT!!!!
I refuse to remember them because they were TERRIBLE. They made no sense, and they were not at all true to the series.
I decided to watch a bunch of old shows, M:I included, so that I could judge the movies better, and in the process have lost the urge to watch the movies (I faintly remember the first, didn't see any of the others). Fuck with Jim Phelps? HELL NO.
I've also watched a lot of Wild Wild West, and am similarly forgetting anything from the movie.