Thanks, Barb. I thought it was too early. Oh, Betty in the bar scene.
Must doublecheck that it is Capt. Awesome.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Thanks, Barb. I thought it was too early. Oh, Betty in the bar scene.
Must doublecheck that it is Capt. Awesome.
I do think quester's right though, that the sermon would've been in English.
It is Captain Awesome!
And Don not having a contract was about the largest bomb for me—just totally out of nowhere and the beauty of it was how it so clearly illustrated Duck's utter disregard for the place creative has in advertising.
I love the way they pull in things from last season when you least expect it. I'd forgotten all about that until Roger told Duck there wasn't a contract with Don. It sure was a bombshell!
I am, as everyone is, dying to know when they're going to pick this up again. Will it be a year, 18 months? Will it be with Sterling Cooper or will Don have taken his half mil and started his own agency? Will Peggy be a lush peeing on her leg in her office wishing she'd gone for the wedding ring instead? Will Joan be married to Dr. Rapy McRaperson? Will Paul shave! Ack, how am I supposed to wait for all this?
Ack, how am I supposed to wait for all this?
Especially the will Paul shave part.
I loved Don's reaction to discovered that his share was half a mil.
I mean, that really meant something back then.
Also, Ryan McPartland is listed in the end credits as "Gentleman."
Of course, Paul will shave: he doesn't want to be confused with Castro.
And then he'll grow it all back - but possibly not 'til later.
Seriously, though, it's going to be fascinating to see where they pick this up next. Matt Weiner already used the element of surprise in order to jump us forward the fourteen months that he did between S1 & 2. I wouldn't put it past him to start S3 the next day.
Ok, I'm still rewatching. Betty's utter lack of concern about what she just did is so very striking! She evened the score! That has to have something to do with her letting Don come home. I wonder if she'll ever tell him.
I wonder if she'll ever tell him.
Even if she does, it'll have the element of "Well, we didn't know if the world was about to end," about it, so it just might be forgivable.
However, if she does tell Don, it's going to invite in him a whole host of questions with respect to this baby—if it even is his. I mean, we know it is (at least, we think we know it's his, from the comfort shag at her father's house) but he has no clue what she's been up to while he's been cavorting with Felliniesque beauties named Joy and revisiting his past with Anna.