Sometimes I like Don. Sometimes I don't. Which, considering real life, isn't that strange. But it does fly in the face of traditional expectancies of episodic television and that whole "likeable enough to be in someone's house week after week," thing.
'Dirty Girls'
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
OMG, Pete and the model! Hehehe. Reached out and touched...Chauncey, I'm thinking.
Well, it looks like Peggy actually took some of Joan's advice. And does Pete look pissed!
::pokes thread::
It's soooo lonely in here.
I can't believe Duck just turned his dog out!
I can't believe Duck just turned his dog out!
That was so mean. Poor doggie.
Go, Peggy! I can't believe she had the nerve to show up.
I can't believe Duck just turned his dog out!
I was totally feeling sympathy for him, and then he did that.
Oh, I can. I'm just curious to see if the wardrobe change is going to follow through at work, too.
I was totally feeling sympathy for him, and then he did that.
Well, we were definitely seeing both sides of every character in this episode. Light/dark, Jackie/Marilyn, real/imagined. They really played the theme well.
I loved the dog and I was hoping the dog would be part of the cast.
I think there's already enough dogs on this cast, although he was the best behaved of the lot.