I can't bring myself to watch American Horror Story. I'm aware that I'm missing something pretty special in comparison to standard television fare but the psychological violence that I've seen in clips is too much for me. I can't watch OITNB for the same reason, although in that instance, it is compounded by my irrational, but nonetheless compelling, dislike of the actor who plays the husband. I'm thinking that someday, I might be able to bingewatch them so I can get caught up in the story and quickly move through to the conclusion.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I can't watch Hannibal, but I can manage AHS -- don't ask me why.
When was Matt Bomer on AHS? Last night?
Yep, last night. Let's just say it will not be a recurring role.
Oh, he'll be fine. I'm sure they're all anxious to move on. I just find their work late and catch up and everything and I don't get to spend the time I would like.
Oh, man, Mozzie feeding Peter warms my heart.
I know--that was the best part. Everything else was a little on-the-nose, though I'd put up with a lot to hang with them again.
On Elementary, Sherlock is wearing green trousers and a gray suit jacket. Is that a thing? Or should I see it as somehow significant? I don't really know from men's fashion.
New Major Crimes tonight!
I don't know where to put this, seeing as it's a Netflix show, but has anyone watched Peaky Blinders? I'm in it for the Tom Hardy, but am going to be good about starting at season 1 --which he's not in. Looks like there are 12 eps in all so far.