I can't watch Hannibal, but I can manage AHS -- don't ask me why.
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
When was Matt Bomer on AHS? Last night?
Yep, last night. Let's just say it will not be a recurring role.
Oh, he'll be fine. I'm sure they're all anxious to move on. I just find their work late and catch up and everything and I don't get to spend the time I would like.
Oh, man, Mozzie feeding Peter warms my heart.
I know--that was the best part. Everything else was a little on-the-nose, though I'd put up with a lot to hang with them again.
On Elementary, Sherlock is wearing green trousers and a gray suit jacket. Is that a thing? Or should I see it as somehow significant? I don't really know from men's fashion.
New Major Crimes tonight!
I don't know where to put this, seeing as it's a Netflix show, but has anyone watched Peaky Blinders? I'm in it for the Tom Hardy, but am going to be good about starting at season 1 --which he's not in. Looks like there are 12 eps in all so far.
There's a TOM HARDY series? Why was I not notified. Is he the lead? Does he get a lot of screentime? I am on my own on Turkey Day.