I loved the list of possible continuations that Colbert came up with. You could tell he and his staff were a little... obsessed.
'Conviction (1)'
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Hi, White Collar! Hi.
Mozzie struggling not to go all conspiracy theory was very fun. And I am in for at least several more iterations of Neal Investigates His Own Crime, that's always good times.
Also, "Sterling!" may have beat out "Badger!" as the thing I want to yell at the screen when Mark Sheppard semi-unexpectedly appears.
"Mozzie" looks unexpectedly handsome with a goatee. I vote the actor should adopt one in real life.
Also, "Sterling!" may have beat out "Badger!" as the thing I want to yell at the screen when Mark Sheppard semi-unexpectedly appears.
Whereas I was thinking "Read the fine print on a deal with the King of Hell!!"
Never diversify, Mark, never diversify...
That would have been appropriate advice.
OMG Neal and Peter's loveissopure.
I mean, if by "pure," you mean painful and based on lies.
Never diversify, Mark, never diversify...
He kinda has to do S.H.E.I.L.D. to complete at this point, doesn't he?
My 91 year old Mom on "Reign"
"Great costume soap opera. Any historical accuracies are purely coincidental."
I do not like this White Collar turn. It throws so much of the past episodes into the trash, so I hope it shows the strain within the next episode. Otherwise it's a different show from what I signed up for, and I'm not patient with that.
You mean Neal's "I'll always be a criminal" epiphany? That seemed like a big and random left turn.