OMG Neal and Peter's loveissopure.
I mean, if by "pure," you mean painful and based on lies.
'Heart Of Gold'
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
OMG Neal and Peter's loveissopure.
I mean, if by "pure," you mean painful and based on lies.
Never diversify, Mark, never diversify...
He kinda has to do S.H.E.I.L.D. to complete at this point, doesn't he?
My 91 year old Mom on "Reign"
"Great costume soap opera. Any historical accuracies are purely coincidental."
I do not like this White Collar turn. It throws so much of the past episodes into the trash, so I hope it shows the strain within the next episode. Otherwise it's a different show from what I signed up for, and I'm not patient with that.
You mean Neal's "I'll always be a criminal" epiphany? That seemed like a big and random left turn.
Yep. Way to go to back up on all the character development, of oh...the entire seasonseries. Unless it's shown to be bogus (aren't recovered memories?) and fast, I'm so not interested. Not even with tension about when it's going to be shown bogus, if that's further in the future than next week.
Yeah, I'm kind of pretending it didn't happen because it doesn't make sense to me.
White Collar was off to me again. There wasn't enough followup on what should be a huge revelation from the previous episode, and some of Neal's lines felt weirdly forced in a show that's traditionally chemistry incarnate.
It feels weird.
It fell in okay with my strategy of denial. Peter and El pleased me greatly. I don't think a butler would actually condone verbing butle (buttle?) like that, but that's rather beside the point.
There were a couple points where Neal's performance felt very jarring. I think it was at the end, when he was announcing they were the law to the bad guy--it felt very...announcey. It lacked immersion in the world for me. And I had accepted the preceding car commercial, so...
But I would rather they had gone back on the revelation of the week before than ignore it.