Marie's suggestion that Walt commit suicide WOULD solve most of everybody's problems.
Skyler still doesn't know that her family WAS really in danger with guys sent to kill whoever was in the house.
I have a feeling a whole lotta pennies are going to be dropping in the next couple weeks.
I was talking about this last night...the problem being that his wife has committed crimes independent of his acts. Even with him dead, she could still be prosecuted. I am not sure if this has crossed her mind or not. In some ways, if he dies, this complicates her situation a bit more - makes it more likely they would go after her, no?
Yeah, Skyler needs to cut a deal. Good luck on that happening now.
This show makes my stomach hurt.
Heh. I was surprised the EW recapper really thought the latest
episode was filler -- I thought it ticked right along.
I'm glad Hank brought Gomez in on this.
I was so happy to see Gomez. I didn't think it was filler either. I loved the narrative rewind to see what happened to Jesse.
Filler? Huh.
One of my co-workers mentioned she thought she'd start watching Breaking Bad, someone recommended it to her saying "It's great, and then it gets weird, and then it gets really great again." I wanted to be enthusiastic, but I really couldn't say anything other than "it's so good", but at least I got that much out.
I'm finally up to S5 on Netflix! I may just barely catch up by the time the entire series ends!
It may have been a little less HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK than recent episodes, but that's because recent episodes have set the bar really high. It definitely wasn't filler, though; I wasn't expecting the Hank/Jesse team-up, and there were very important developments on the Walt/Jesse front.
Also, we meet Mrs. Heisenberg.