If someone tries to forget all the time or deeply compartmentalizes how can he change?
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I'm kind of bored with Don in general. I think the show has reached the point where the supporting cast are more interesting.
I agree with Don being boring. I haven't started this new season yet because...bored.
While I haven't seen it, I can totally get why Don cheats. It's who he is. Short of a personality-altering stroke, I don't see that ever changing. I also don't see Don ever getting together with an equal, at least not long term.
I think Don has become sort of pathetic this season, which seems to be intentional on the part of the writers.
I think Don has been pathetic since he split from Betty. The season he spent as a sloppy drunk wasn't fun to watch. Except a couple of notable episodes though.
I think Don has been pathetic since he split from Betty. The season he spent as a sloppy drunk wasn't fun to watch. Except a couple of notable episodes though.
True. I guess he's mostly been on a downward spiral with some brief reprieves since the start of the series.
As Tom and Lorenzo note, '68 is the year that everything blew up and changed. So I think this is just groundwork for having everything blow up in Don's face, so they have to spend some time showing how he's not changed.
He never really had to deal with his infidelity with Betty. She kicked him out because she found out he was Dick Whitman. But Megan's going to find out. And so is the doctor that Don admires.
Joan got off the best line of the night with her cutting insult to the Jaguar dealer, but even better was her taking refuge in Don's office and pouring herself a drink. Just a bit of tiny unspoken understanding between them.
T&L also pointed out in their Mad Style rundown that Betty's makeover makes her look like her MIL.
That kid they've got playing young Don in the flashback was freaky looking! Not "a good looking kid."
I did kind of love the scene where Don sabotaged the Jaguar dealer's stupid plan and the smirk on Roger's face when he realized what was happening.
And, of course, Trudy kicked ass. But we always like seeing Pete humiliated, even though he'll still wind up doing something genuinely broken periodically.
The episode ended with Don and a doorway - a recurring theme in the show. I wonder if the show will end with a door shutting in Don's face? Then again, I always thought The Sopranos would end with Tony getting whacked when he went out to get his paper.
The only healthy and rewarding relationships on this show are the work friendships. All the romances are rotten.
I'm confused about Don's flashback and where it fits in to what we know about his upbringing. Was that his stepmother he was with?
Was that his stepmother he was with?
Yes, and she's pregnant with his half-brother Adam (the one who committed suicide).
Yes, and she's pregnant with his half-brother Adam (the one who committed suicide).
That's what I thought, but why were they there?