I thought you were getting complacent, but that final scene, including the Gus bit, was way more sincerity than I was expecting from this show. Nicely done.
Shit just got real! I was not expecting that.
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
I thought you were getting complacent, but that final scene, including the Gus bit, was way more sincerity than I was expecting from this show. Nicely done.
Shit just got real! I was not expecting that.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Zach Whedon wrote that episode of Southland. Very impressive! It was also based on actual events that happened in LA back in the 60s (The Onion Fields). The 50th anniversary of that was just last month.
Shit just got real! I was not expecting that
Seriously! I wondered if it was going to slip away (he'd been "seeing" with less foofurrah and fewer shenanigans) and be less and less of an issue, but I was also thinking it wasn't fair--this was so much more real for Juliet right now, and so much harder to wriggle out of. OR it was going to be a series-ending thing, as the premise was exposed, and whether or not he continued working for the Police Department, "psych" could not still be defined the way it's been within the show (as their company name, f'rinstance) and so it would be a new phase for them all.
I do think it's weird how she discovered him, and I wonder if there had been any suspicion on her part from beforehand. But then again, she's so sincere and nice and straightforward--she doesn't strike me as the sort of person who wouldn't bring it to light, and it's not like we see her having family or non-Shawn friends in whom she could express her niggling doubts.
The three of them acted the fuck out of it, and the look of sadness on Gus' face as he worked out what must have gone down (I'm assuming he couldn't overhear from his phone call, nor would he intend to). For me, third party reaction is a big bit of a story, and they stepped up to this nicely by having Shawn unearth and try and handle issues with their friendship more maturely with regards to Rachel¹ (She's not mentioned in his Wikipedia page. That should be remedied. By someone not me, since lazy).
¹: Lucky wench, getting to snog Dule Hill and Misha Collins. Living the dream, girl, living the dream, I say, ignoring the actual acting she has performed to get roles because let's be clear about my priorities
Ahh, now that is what I'm talking about, Mad Men!!
God, just when you think Pete can't possibly be any more of a shitweasel.
DH and I were remarking last night that he started out the series wanting to be Don Draper, but he's turned into Roger Sterling instead.
Trudy ain't no pushover, though.
Trudy ain't no pushover, though.
I pumped my fist when she kicked him out.
I marvel at Alison Brie's ability to play two very different characters on two ongoing shows.
I liked this episode more than the premiere, for sure. Things actually happened!
I was asking Beau about halfway through the ep: do you think Trudy knows?
Beau's like: "no way does she know."
"I think she knows and I think Trudy is going to blow."
"Nothing in her characterization thus far would indicate she would deal with this head on"
"I beg to differ. Trudy can be fierce when she wants to be and I think she may have reached her limit."
Tom and Lorenzo seem to be a bit bored with the Don as cheater story lines. Do you all agree? I think it is early in the season to get bored just yet.
Early in the season, but late in the series. I was just thinking about it last night: I could understand why Don cheated on Betty, but I do not understand why he would cheat on Megan. Except for the fact that it's just what he does.