I'm interested enough to see ep 2, but this show is on notice.
The old saying among farmers was that once a dog had a taste for chicken you had to put them down because they'd go back and kill more. Once a show has a taste for melodrama it doesn't get less.
That's the one with Chi McBride? I was tempted a little on his account but just the ads seemed too LIFE AND DEATH for me.
No, it's Alfred Molina and Ving Rhames, and others. They were showing the promos relentlessly during SPN reruns in the morning.
Huh. Just looked at a promo for it on Youtube. Alfred Molina and Ving Rhames and Jamie Bamber! That's a pretty ace cast. Apparently it was based on book by Sanjay Gupta. The stuff shown in the promo looks to be in the format of M&M (Morbidity and Mortality) Rounds, except dialed up to 11 in terms of melodrama. Hmm, I wonder if the the alliteration in the title "Monday Mornings" is a nod to M&M (most big hospitals have several of those happening weekly in their large divisions.)
Those are the ads I was thinking of (not specifically during SPN reruns, but that's the network). Now that I have looked up the Chi McBride show, I realize I have a totally different reason for not watching that.
I guess not being able to keep the shows I've decided not to watch straight is not too remarkable, right?
you know, I have yet to watch one episode of that show.
Count yourself lucky. The star does the most annoying prance/giggle thing ever, constantly. And the courtroom scene in Ghostbusters 2 was more believable than the ones on that show.
once a dog had a taste for chicken you had to put them down because they'd go back and kill more.
ha ha! you aren't wrong about this. MM is not on my "must see" list. I need to save space for that new Zero Hour (or whatever it is called) show with Anthony Edwards. It looks like it will only last 13 eps, but this will be a 13 ep interesting trainwreck.
I was going to try Monday Mornings for sheer love of Bamber, but the commercials just kept appealing less and less, and from your remarks I think I made the correct call in skipping it. Ah well, maybe I can find some L&O:UK reruns...
Holy shit, that was a particularly violent and gnarly episode of Justified.
I am now worried about Boyd and Ava- there is no room for joy in Justified!