Just saw the first of this season. (Not the 2nd) Who are you and what have done with Raylan Givens?
Also Raylan, if you are going to risk your career for $3,000 (though at the end it seemed to be more like $10,000) you might not want to discuss on your extension in the Marshall's office. Cause both the FBI and Internal Affairs are suspicious of you (FBI more than suspicious) and either could have a tap. Plus not impossible that the Marshall's office records all phone calls.
The second episode belongs to Boyd, although there is some good stuff in the office and the field with the marshals.It's Goggins that will have footage for his Emmy reel this week, though.
He was amazing in those scenes in the tent.
Still haven't finished watching this week's yet.
I am hoping tent boy just quickly dies mostly because I cannot handle more snakes. But apart from my hiding my head for a not insignificant portion of that ep, I watched the first three last night and it's good to have Raylan back in my life. With all of his many, many, many flaws.
Hello...not helping my MAJOR phobia.
and, wrod.
I do not have a major ick with snakes, but it was stomach-churning to see the snake's head bured in the man's neck.
That whole situation just showed me how smart Boyd is. He made the leap that his guy not being as sick as he should be translated to milked snakes.
I just felt so horrible at the end of that scene. The loss of faith is always upsetting.
But we also got Tim and Art and Rachel, so.