Wow, I got all my 20 votes in within 5 minutes of the show ending.
'The Message'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Yeah, I haven't had any trouble getting through. The occasional busy signal, but not consistent.
I would have been quicker if I wasn't a complete idiot. I thought they were 866 numbers, not 888. Once I realized I was dialing the wrong number, I dialed the right ones and got right through, of course.
I liked Mia's dance. I agree that criticism of the piece shouldn't reflect on the dancers-- particularly in that piece, the stylization of the piece might be weird, but the dance itself is not difficult to judge.
I thought it looked like Anya was favoring her ankle during the foxtrot. She didn't look right to me during the dance.
Also, Obama/Robson '08! Or I will settle for SYTYCD with all judging and choreography by Wade.
Nigel's criticism of Hok was unfounded, i think. He kept talking about how he was waiting for him to do something, and he didn't. That's the choreography, not the dance.
Top Chef: I can't even talk about tonight's episode because I'm too focused on the preview for next week. I mean, Rocco DiSpirito?!? Are you fucking kidding me?! ?
I'm bummed about Lia -- she should have been much better than she apparently was! And Hung is getting on my last nerve with his "Well, if that's your opinion..." Um, yeah it is. Because they are judging you, you jackass!
Tom's face when Hung was running around with the CLEAVER was priceless.
I'm glad it was Lia instead of Sara (is that the right spelling?) because I like Sara. Lia seems too timid, culinarily and otherwise.
It also cracks me up that Howie and Joey are now all BFF!!!
I missed Ted, though.
I am also getting very tired of Hung's attitude and yeah -- be a little more careful with that CLEAVER.
I'm sad about Lia - I also thought she'd go further.
I wish that they'd done more South American stuff -- why did no one attempt, say Potatoes? A nice native south american veg.
Yeah- the Howie/Joey dynamic is very amusing.
I do agree with Joey that Howie needs to find something other than pork to cook. I think it's worse than Malarkey's all seafood all the time thing.
And I can't believe that neither Hung nor Casey can cook rice.
When Dale, CJ and Marlarkey disappeared during Elimination Round service I should have known that they were safe.
I was very pleased the Sarah M did cheese-related dishes.
What Gail said about Sarah M and Tre's dishes:
I also want to mention that many of us enjoyed Sara M.’s Chile Rellenos, a vegetarian creation that was overflowing with color and spice. The rice and vegetables were well cooked and seasoned, the queso fresco, which Sara made herself, was tangy and light. Another honorable mention goes to Tre for his tasty Jumbo Prawns with Yellow Coconut Sauce, Jalapeño Cilantro Dumplings and Lobster Ceviche.